Kamis, 20 November 2014

Hello Everyone

Hello everyone. Let me introduce myself in a short time. I am Mulyadi Av and you can call me Mulya or Yadi. I was born in Klaten, Central Java. I’m thirty-five years old right now. I moved from Klaten to Depok city because I like it. Here, I live at Jl. Sawangan Road, Depok. My house actually is not far from Depok Trade Center and you are only to ride for about 100 m to the south.

I have a nice hobby and that is writing and blogging. I am public servant in Directorate of State Asset Management. I have a nice blog that provide information of state assets, auction, legal opinion, and many more. You can visit the mulyadiav.blogspot.com to see my articles.

In my house, I live with my wife named Elie. She works as writer. She speaks more fluently English. My father had died since 1998. My mother lives in Village. I love them very much and I’m actually three brothers. My first brother is 45 years old named Kuadi and now he has been a farmer.  Next to my second brother who has been 42 years old named Ngadirin and he is working at Private Company especially as laborer. I think, I will not tell more about my brothers because it consumes time too much.

That’s all and I would say thank to your attention. Hello everyone, nice to see you.

2 komentar:

  1. Salam kenal mas Mul!
    Ngomong2 istilah PNS dalam bahasa Inggris itu 'civil servant' bukan 'public servant'
    Keep writing :D

  2. Thanks Nadia. Setahuku sama saja. civil servant or public servant
