Sabtu, 26 April 2014


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful

Excellency KH. Buya
Excellency Mr. Zainul
Excellency Mrs. Hj. Maimunah

Honorable our teachers and our friends at Pesantren Al Intiqomah

Don’t forget to Allah. God created the universe.
Let us thank Allah who has created the earth and everything in it.

Shalawat and Salam, may be poured out to our prophet, Muhammad SAW.
Messenger of Allah change the darkness into lightness.

Thank you very much for Master Ceremony who has given the opportunity to express a short speech.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today we are commemorating the Kartini day. She had fought women emancipation. Women in Indonesia can now pursue their education and sit the House of Representative or lead in a conglomerate.

Women have been able to talk to equal with men today. Especially in our village several women had a position is higher than some of the male. This show that our nation especially women actually already understand the importance of the function and power of women when enforcing the life of the nation, state and community.

Today we always commemorate Kartini Day every year. Let's not up the time when we display a warning only and copyrighted work of women. But getting over it, hopefully every day, every period of Indonesian women, continue to fight and continue imaged, as a nation fragrant name.

I hope Allah always bless us, especially some Indonesian women while upholding the life of nation and state. Women may become more prosperous, become more powerful while keeping the name of the nation, state, population, and do not forget, the current boom may continue to maintain the good name of the family. Amen!

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